wowo. im bored. quick update on my life.
1)computer crashed
2)exams are almost over
3)beyonce is canceled -___-
4)holidays are coming
5)i started to use twitter. (again)
6)i NEED a new computer.
7)went out with tash yesterday.
wowowo. that was quick. my life is so dull during exam weeks :/
this post is dedicated to ho teck tsen.
he is a clone.
teck tsen will turn 16 on December 21st.
his favourite colour is blue.
he is damn scared of cockroaches.
he is also scared of heights.
he likes to play sports.
his favourite is football.
and rugby.
and golf.
italian food is his cuisine of choice.
he damn "funny".
he is tall.
he seems to be good at every sport.
professional merajuk-er.
i beat him during cross-country.
he likes muse.
he can play the bass guitar.
and the acoustic.
and electric.
we were in the same class during form 1,2 and 3.
he dances.
we used to be the same height -.-
thats it :D there you go teck tsen :D
4 more papers to gooooo!
k. bai.